Vår tilnærming til bærekraft

Organisering av vårt arbeid med bærekraft

Bærekraft er en kjernekomponent i Saferoad Groups strategiske planleggings- og styringssystemer. Styret har det høyeste nivået av ansvarlighet for bærekraftspørsmål, mens konsernledelsen overvåker de daglige operasjonelle aspektene av bærekraftstrategiene.

På konsernnivå er ESG-sjefen ansvarlig for å integrere bærekraftsagendaen i selskapets strategiske mål på tvers av konsernet.

Våre fire forretningsområder har som oppgave å utvikle handlingsplaner og oppfylle nøkkelindikatorer (KPIer) som anses som kritiske for deres bærekraftige resultatsporing.

For å støtte disse bestrebelsene har gruppen etablert et ESG Functional Team. Dette teamet sikrer en integrert tilnærming til bærekraft og samfunnsansvar i hele selskapet. ESG Functional Team består av medlemmer fra de operative enhetene og fra ulike støttefunksjoner, og gir en omfattende blanding av innsikt og kompetanse.

Our ESG priorities

These priorities are designed to amplify positive impacts while mitigating risks, ensuring that our operations, culture, and engagements are conducted with integrity, foresight, and a shared responsibility towards the planet and its people.

Below is a snapshot of the ESG areas we are focusing on, each representing a cornerstone in our journey towards achieving measurable and meaningful progress.

Responsible procurement
  • We aim to set the highest sustainability expectations towards our business partners and contribute to their improvements.
Climate action
  • We aim to decarbonize our own operations and our value chain based on science-aligned GHG reductions.
  • We aim to reduce our use of resources, especially energy, by using them more efficiently.
Closing the material loop
  • We aim to reduce operational and product-related material waste to close to zero through recycling, reprocessing and re-use.
Culture of integrity
  • We always follow the highest standards of responsible business practices.
  • We always treat people with respect for their rights, dignity and needs.
Safe, healthy and thriving people
  • We aim to provide an inspiring and inclusive workplace where our people get home safe every day.
Products and services as a force for good
  • We aim to contribute to safe journeys on the road through our product innovation and road services.
  • We aim to drive the market demand for low-carbon and responsible solutions designed to last, through customer and industry collaboration.


For direct inquiries regarding how Saferoad handles actual and potential negative consequences for human rights and decent working conditions,  contact us here